Surabaya Western Access Channel (SWAC) is one of the business core of PT APBS. SWAC is a strategic channel route in Indonesia located on Selat Madura strait which used by all vessels to come to Surabaya and Gresik Port. In 2014, this channel was dredged from -8 meters LWS to -13 meters LWS depth with 150 meters width and the purpose is to provide access for bigger vessel to come to Surabaya. So it can support the smoothness and cost efficiency logistic.
Due to high rate of sedimentation coming from many rivers in East Java, currently PT APBS always maintaining the depth by doing periodic maintenance dredging and
monitoring survey, in order to provide the best service for vessels which enter Surabaya and
its surroundings. In the future, there will be a channel widening of 200 meters and a depth of -16 meters LWS to support more traffic of logistics.